It’s Easter Sunday night and I am reflecting on that night centuries ago as our risen Lord appears to his frightened and confused disciples. We can try to put ourselves in their sandals, but we can’t really appreciate what they had been through and continue to struggle to understand! The word was out that Jesus’ tomb was empty and some were saying he was risen from the dead!

Welcome to the newest members of our community from Walk #101. What a walk! What a privilege to hear the stories at the Closing Service. I encourage the New Fourth Dayers from Walk #101 and their sponsors to attend the Celebration of Walk #101. This will be a great opportunity to reconnect with your new friends and meet other members of Brisbane North Coast Emmaus Community.

Hello Emmaus Community,isn’t great that we are able to have the Men’s Walk this time around. The upcoming Men’s walk is one of the largest Men’s walks we have had for a long time. I pray that this Walk will be a fantastic experience for the Pilgrims and that they encounter their living God on this weekend.

Hi All and happy New Year,Welcome to our first newsletter of the year. I pray that you all enjoyed your Christmas celebrations. This year we hit the ground running with the Men’s Walk next month, from 14 – 17 March.